
“Thank you very much for letting me participate in these workshops. I found them extremely worthwhile; they really helped me think more deeply about things that are relevant to what I do … and that I needed to learn more about. The facilitators were excellent … as are the materials that have been shared with us. ” –2024, Learning Enrichment Foundation

“My big takeaway was the huge amount of tools, strategies, and exercises to try to make trainings more engaging. It was so inspiring! Thank you so much for all your hard work and your generosity in sharing your expertise!” –2023, Kids Help Phone

“It’s always a good idea to add tools to my teaching tool box, and this set is truly unique and a valuable add on!” –2023, YRDSB

“This is an excellent course for those in the field to keep integrating new learned skills to their facilitation capacity and abilities.” –2023, ACCES Employment

“I believe that the skills that I acquired in this workshop series as provided me with a richer, fundamentally base, in not only my facilitation skills, but also more rounded as a worker, in regards to my facilitation skills.” –2023, Yonge Street Mission

“I found CiU’s facilitation training innovative and insightful. It has provided me some really great strategies and practical tools which I can implement in my workshops to help clients move forward. The training was interesting and engaging. It encouraged me to stretch my thinking, collaborate with others, and see things from a different perspective by uncovering my own biases and filters. –2023, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

“There is always room for adaptation, growth and connection when facilitating any program. I truly feel that CiU is easily adaptative to fit into any programming – whether in group or individual settings.” –2023, Career Assistance Network

“I did learn so many things that I can use to support my clients. The best ways to take a trauma-approach to working with my clients, recognizing that basically everyone has some sort of trauma and that it just presents differently in each person. Utilizing pieces of the strengths workshop when working with my clients.” –2023, Goodwill Industries

“I have heard very positive feedback and they (staff) are looking for ways to implement the ideology from the training into how they do their regular work.” –2023, Habitat for Humanity

“Although the participants were from varied backgrounds and worked in different areas, there were core concepts that were relevant to all. This can translate into a better working environment regardless of where you work and who you work with.” –2023, Margaret New Toronto

“I can confidently say that this facilitation workshop has been a turning point in my life. It provided me with the guidance and inspiration I needed to embark on a new journey of self-discovery and personal development.” –2023, TESL Ontario

“I learned better ways to keep clients engaged and also to be more open minded and listening to what might help the client, instead of assuming we know best. I learned how to create a safer space and how I can improve in that.” –2023, Polycultural Immigrant & Community Services

“The Change it Up program has been very much informed by the Indigenous experience, and I think that makes it a really unique program. The philosophy of the approach is where the magic is.” –2022, SevGen Consulting

“I would recommend this program for every employer out there, every school out there. I really like what they’ve done.” –2022, Tradewinds

“I have been facilitating groups for years, and found new tools and tips that I have already implemented in group sessions I have hosted.” –2022, Habitat for Humanity

“I have nothing but wonderful things to share about this training. I appreciated the variety of tools and exercises that were offered. I took away so many new ideas. This course exceeded my expectations!” –2022, Kindred

“This was without question the most useful and best facilitated online course I’ve taken.” –2022

“While I’ve participated in some trauma-aware/trauma-informed training in the past, this was the first time that I felt it was delivered in a way that really resonated and that I feel will really stick with me. I feel I’ve come away from this training with tangible techniques, resources, and learnings that I am excited to apply in my work moving forward.” –2022

“So many tools are directly applicable. Th e training was very practical – a huge feat given that it was virtual! This is hands-down the best virtual training I have been a part of.” –2022

“Very well designed content. The synchronous and asynchronous content was all very helpful. Having the facilitator guides is going to be a game changer when it comes time to develop my own trainings.” –2022

“The flow between teaching and activity , and activities that were group-interactive and personal-reflective, made it easy to stay engaged.” –2021

“Although I have been facilitating for 20+ years, I came away with new ideas and have embraced them in my practice.” –2021